Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Jesus is amazing!

Holy cow!, have you looked outside recently?
Its beautiful! Yeah here its nasty gross weather all cold and sutff, but i mean just look at it!
Yeah the cars made it all brown and yucky, but its so beautiful. I could sit and look out my window and stare at it snowing for hours.
I have done it before too.
And spring is right around the corner too! Its going to take a while but im excited, to spend all day walking with my best friends, and taking walks myself taking pictures of Gods beauty and taking it all in.
I guess thats really why i love thunderstorms too. Yeah im going to get scientifical for a second, but its so amazing how God created the charges or whatever to create lighting. And making everything knowing how it would turn out. And knowing how it would all happen, just sitting and waiting for someone to come along and figure out his amazing plans.
How the all the plants and animals adapt and use His other creations to survive and live off the amazing land He gave us.
And i just love love love how where ever you go its different and beautiful in its own way. I mean have you driven down to Arizona or up to Kentucky? Its so beautiful.
And i love how every different state has something special about it that you can tell apart from the others if you really pay attnetion and watch it as it passes you by.
Okay done rambling on and done being random.
Now go outside and enjoy this beautiful life you have!
Mmmkay bye.

Ecclesiastes 3:11

11. For he has made everything beautiful in its time. He has set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.


1 comment:

Drew Dixon said...

Go outside
And praise the God who mapped the stars out in the sky
Gather ‘round with those who love and sing
He is our King

No one should be left out
No one should be left out
No one should be left out
No one should be left out
If you have air to breathe
Hear your call to sing


That's the lyrics to a song by the Robbie Seay Band. You should listen to it: http://tinyurl.com/2mq2hm