Monday, March 3, 2008


So i had this dream a long time ago (Over the summer to be exact)
And its the only dream i have ever remembered. And i want to write it down so i never forget it because it truly changed my life and opened my eyes.
So here we go...

Okay so over the summer me and Matt went up to the elementary school playgrounds often. So I was having a really hard week because i was fighting with my mom earlier in the week and then like on a Friday she wanted to know if i wanted to go on a weekend trip somewhere with her. And i really didn't want to.
Angel was out of town and so was everybody else, so i usually talked to Matt about this stuff.
So i was telling him about the situation and how i didn't want to really go but she wanted me to, and he told me to pray about it and see later on what i wanted to do.
So i did, and that night, or the night after (whatever)
i had this dream and me and Matt were at the park as usual and we were just sitting on the playground talking and all of a sudden i saw the scariest man of my life coming right at us, so we ran.
All the way across the playground. Then Matt stops dead in his tracks and wont move.
So by this time I'm running back to him to get him to run with me. And the guy is catching up to us. I'm pulling and pulling on him arm and screaming for him to come with me. Because this man had a gun and a knife and is the scariest thing you could ever imagine. And Matt just wont move. He keeps saying "No I'm not going." then the man grabs his shoulder and my arm, and I'm trying to break free and run and Matt goes "Angie stop" then i ask him why and i keep trying to get away, Then he says "Angie you have to face your fears eventually. You cant run from everything all the time." By this time I'm crying in my dream and in my sleep, and Matt is just standing there motionless with no expression.
The end.

So yeah....What i basically go out of it is that God is going to give me all these trials and tests in life.
And i cant run form them anymore, no matter how scary they are.
And sometimes you need a scary dream to make you realize that.


1 comment:

Zoe said...

Wow, that is an awesome dream. I think it is so cool how God can show us stuff by giving us dreams.

By the way, my name is Zoe. I stumbled across your blog and noticed that you love Jesus just like me. I am also 15.
Feel free to check out my blog. :)